上海迪士尼度假区推出新纯素美食 | Shanghai Disney Launches Vegan Cuisine
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图片来源: shanghaidisneyresort.com.cn
With the hot summer fast approaching, a lighter and healthier diet may be the best way to keep our bodies in good condition. Shanghai Disney Resort has launched a new line of plant-based cuisines, catering to the rising interest in veganism and providing broader dining options for our guests.
图片来源: shanghaidisneyresort.com.cn
图片来源: shanghaidisneyresort.com.cn
The new plant-based cuisines introduced by Shanghai Disney Resort are designed to provide necessary vegetable protein by offering diversified and balanced plant-based food choices in place of meat, poultry, fish, egg, honey, dairy products or other processed food, delivering both tasty and nutritious food for guests.
米奇好伙伴美味集市 | Mickey & Pals
上海迪士尼度假区里面的所有快捷服务餐厅都有植物基食物的选择,所以客人们在任何地方都能很方便地吃到自己想要的美味轻食。米奇好伙伴美味集市有松露菌菇罗汉煲,巴波萨烧烤餐厅有蔬菜饼配四喜烤麸饭,皮诺丘乡村厨房有宫保笋菇饭, 星露台餐厅里面有酒酿素饼汉堡配薯条, 玩具盒欢宴广场里面有烤甜薯配混合豆类,老藤树食栈里面有什锦蔬菜配酸甜汁和米饭。还有很多种植物基的甜点可以选择,小米大厨烘焙坊有焦糖混合坚果香蕉蛋糕和蔓越莓布丁配芒果果酱。
松露菌菇罗汉煲 | 米奇好伙伴美味集市
Truffle Mushroom Clay Pot | Mickey & Pals
In Shanghai Disney Resort, all major quick service restaurant locations will now have plant-based food options on the menu so that our guests have access to light cuisines anywhere within the resort. Our guests can find plant-based food at quick service restaurants including Truffle Mushroom Clay at Mickey and Pals, Vegetable Patties, Gluten Mushroom with Rice at Barbossa’s Bounty, GongBao Bamboo Shoot and Mushrooms with Rice at Pinocchio’s Village Kitchen, Fermented Glutinous Rice Vegetable Burger with Fries at Stargazer Grill, Baked Sweet Potato with Mix Bean Ragout at Toy Box Café and Vegetables with Sweet & Sour Sauce and Rice at Tangled Tree Tavern. A large range of plant-based desserts are also available, including Caramel Mix Nuts Banana Cake at Remy’s Patisserie and Cranberry Pudding with Mango Comport at Remy’s Patisserie.
焦糖混合坚果香蕉蛋糕 | 小米大厨烘焙坊
Caramel Mixed Nuts Banana Cake | Remy's Patisserie
Vegans of Shanghai had the opportunity to try all of the new plant-based dishes available at Shanghai Disney Resort, and get the scoop on the inspiration for these new dishes from the Executive Chef of the Park, Benny. Benny has traveled to many different countries and regions to study western cuisine. Check out the interview below.
部落丰盛堂 | Tribal Table
地三鲜 | 部落丰盛堂
Sauteed Potato, Green Pepper and Eggplant | Tribal Table
Overconsumption is now a normal phenomena in our continually developing society. We spend a lot on meat on a daily basis. Thus, it is important to balance our diets with more plant-based foods, which is also better for our bodies from a nutritional standpoint. The demand for a healthier lifestyle has driven up the popularity of fitness, which in turn has increased the demand for healthier foods. Plant-based foods are very much in line with this healthier way of eating. Though, the most important issue is environmental protection. Consumption of animals has a greater impact on our use of resources and the environment. Thus, more people opting for plant-based foods is an inevitable trend.
皮诺丘乡村厨房 | Pinocchio's Village Kitchen
Therefore, we began promoting plant-based diets out of this trend. These plant-based foods do not contain any animal ingredients, including eggs and honey. Disney resorts all over the world offer vegetarian meals in each of their restaurants, and this year we decided to offer plant-based meals in place of vegetarian meals, which is considered an upgrade to our original offerings.
宫保笋菇饭和蔓越莓布丁配芒果果酱 | 皮诺丘乡村厨房
Gong Bao Bamboo Shoot and Mushrooms and Cranberry Pudding with Mango Comport | Pinocchio's Village Kitchen
漫月食府 | Wandering Moon Restaurant
黑松露素鹅配烤麸 | 漫月食府
Mixed Truffle Mushroom with Bean Curd and Gluten |
Wandering Moon Restaurant
Traditional Vegetarian Duck is a marinated cold dish made of bean curd skin. The bean curd skin is then fried in oil and seasoned with soy sauce and sesame oil to enhance its flavor. In our Mixed Truffle Mushroom with Bean Curd and Gluten dish, we used mushroom and truffle for a nutritionally balanced meal, as well as to tantalize the palate. Gluten and vegetarian sausage are common in traditional vegetarian Chinese cuisine, and a necessary component of the dish.
巴波萨烧烤餐厅 | Barbossa’s Bounty
蔬菜饼配四喜烤麸饭 | 巴波萨烧烤餐厅
Vegetable Patty and Gluten Mushroom with Rice |
Barbossa’s Bounty
The Vegetable Patty and Gluten Mushroom with Rice at Barbossa's Bounty also requires a bit of explanation. The patty, is western inspired and thick in texture. It is made completely out of nutritionally rich plant-based foods such as potato, tomato, chickpea, onion, avocado, and mushroom. We also included gluten as a side dish, as well as pickled fruits and vegetables to balance out the richness of the vegetable patty.
老藤树食栈 | Tangled Tree Tavern
什锦蔬菜配酸甜汁和米饭 | 老藤树食栈
Vegetables with Sweet and Sour Sauce and Rice |
Tangled Tree Tavern
There is also the more Chinese-style sweet and sour vegetable dish over rice at the Tangled Tree Tavern. We customized a plant-based version of the sweet and sour pork sauce, and used natural ingredients and traditional cooking methods to create this plant-based version of sweet and sour pork.
玩具盒欢宴广场 | Toy Box Café
烤甜薯配混合豆类 | 玩具盒欢宴广场
Baked Sweet Potato with Mixed Bean Ragout | Toy Box Café
Regarding the Baked Sweet Potato with Mixed Bean Ragout at Toy Box Café, we added a mixture of beans and corn to the sweet potato. Beans are rich in nutrients and are also an important source of protein for vegetarians. The addition of our homemade crispy potato chips as a side also adds a dimension of texture to the dish.
星露台餐厅 | Stargazer Grill
素汉堡用的饼是酒酿饼(fermented rice)。这是苏州很出名的一个米饼。酒酿发酵而成, 然后我们做成汉堡。
酒酿素饼汉堡配薯条 | 星露台餐厅
Fermented Glutinous Rice Vegetable Burger with Fries | Stargazer Grill
The patty in the vegetable burger is made with fermented rice. Glutinous rice is fermented and then fashioned into a burger. This is a very well-known rice patty in Suzhou.
皇家宴会厅 | Royal Banquet Hall
仙蒂瑞拉咖喱蔬菜南瓜盅 | 皇家宴会厅
Cinderella's Pumpkin with Assorted Vegetable Curry |
Royal Banquet Hall
Cinderella's Pumpkin with Assorted Vegetable Curry is inspired by the flavors of Southeast Asian cuisine. I felt like adding foods from this region would be popular since a lot of Chinese people like to travel, and have visited many countries in Southeast Asia such as Thailand and Singapore.
烤茄子配鹰嘴豆咖喱酱 | 皇家宴会厅
Roasted Eggplant with Chickpea Curry |
Royal Banquet Hall
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