After his decade-long career in the fur industry, Mike Moser “felt like a hypocrite” when he realized his dog, Barney, “wasn’t that much different in size to some of the animals I saw languishing on fur farms.”
在毛皮行业工作长达十年之后,迈克·莫泽(Mike Moser)意识到自己的宠物狗“巴尼”(Barney)“跟我之前看到正在毛皮农场饱受折磨的一些动物的体型并没有多大差别”时,(他一下子感觉就不太好了,)“感觉自己像个伪君子”。
SEPTEMBER 10, 2020
Former fur industry executive Mike Moser will speak next week in support of the “No Business In Fur” virtual event organized by Humane Society International (HSI) United Kingdom as part of its #FurFreeBritain campaign to ban fur sales across the UK. Moser worked for the International Fur Federation from 2008 to 2015 and served as Chief Executive Officer of the British Fur Trade Association—from which he resigned in 2018 after defending fur farming for more than a decade.
为了实现整个英国禁止毛皮销售,英国国际人道协会(HSI UK)正在积极开展“零皮草英国”(#FurFreeBritain)运动;毛皮行业前高管迈克·莫泽(Mike Moser)将于下周发表演讲,以支持该协会组织举办的“No Business In Fur”(“取缔皮草业”)虚拟活动。莫泽从2008年到2015年供职于国际毛皮协会(IFF),并且曾担任英国毛皮贸易协会(BFTA)的首席执行官(CEO)──在苦苦维护毛皮养殖业十年多之后,他已于2018年辞去了首席执行官一职。
“I spent ten years working for the fur trade, and in that time I visited fur farms across the globe so I’ve seen the reality of fur farming. Over time I realized that whatever soundbites we devised to reassure consumers, retailers, and politicians, neither welfare regulations nor any industry certification scheme, would ever change the reality of these animals being stuck in tiny wire cages for their entire lives,” Moser said. “I would come home to Barney, my Labrador, who I loved dearly, and realize that he wasn’t that much different in size to some of the animals I saw languishing on fur farms, and the thought of him being treated like that was just unthinkable. I felt like a complete hypocrite.”
Moser explained that at times, his job was to debate HSI UK Executive Director Claire Bass with pro-fur farming talking points that he now can no longer stand behind. “The fur trade is anachronistic. It still fails to recognize that social attitudes towards animals have changed dramatically, that we understand much more clearly sentiency, and what constitutes good welfare,” Moser said. “The Zeitgeist today is that caging and killing animals for an unnecessary fashion product, that has only vanity value, is unacceptable. The UK banned fur farming two decades ago but for as long as we import and sell the fur from overseas, the UK is still supporting fur farming and trapping by proxy. That’s morally and politically ambiguous, and that’s why I support a UK fur sales ban.”
莫泽解释说,以前有时候他的工作就是与英国国际人道协会的执行总经理克莱尔·巴斯(Claire Bass)进行辩论,可是如今他再也不能赞同当时那些支持毛皮养殖业的论据了。“毛皮行业已经不合时宜。这个行当仍然未能认识到社会对动物的态度已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,我们现在也更清楚地理解(动物的)感知能力(sentiency)以及什么是真正的良好动物福利,”莫泽说道。“当今的时代精神(Zeitgeist)表明,为制造一件无足轻重、毫不必要的时尚产品而禁锢和宰杀动物是无法让人接受的。英国早在二十年前就取缔了国内的毛皮养殖业,但是只要继续从国外进口和销售皮草,那么英国就是还在通过代理方式支持毛皮动物的养殖和诱捕。这种做法在道德上和政治上都是含糊不清的,这也是我为什么支持英国实施皮草禁售令的原因。”
Moser is now a consultant with HSI UK and is working with the organization to put an end to fur farming. “British people and politicians take pride in being a nation of animal lovers, and so it doesn’t surprise me that it was Mike’s love for his dog Barney that was at the heart of his epiphany that caging and killing animals for their fur is wrong,” Bass said. “If the idea of locking a pet dog in a cage for life and then electrocuting and skinning that animal for fur is unthinkable, then it’s not a big leap to feel similar empathy for animals like foxes who endure this cruelty on fur farms. I fully respect Mike’s change of heart, and he now has an important and powerful message for the UK government—if someone like him with a decade’s experience inside the fur industry says it’s right to ban fur sales, then it’s time to take action and end the suffering.”