
2016-06-25 佛学入门

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木鱼响不得入堂。As to meal proceedings, when the wooden fish-shaped gong is sounded signaling mealtime, no one is allowed to enter the hall.或令行者取钵。You may request a meal attendant to fetch your bowl,堂外坐。and sit in the outer hall.或归众寮打给入堂归钵位。Or, returning to the practitioners’ quarters, you may join the serving team. When you enter the hall and reach your assigned position to take meals (bowei, literally, “almsbowl position”),须低头问讯上中下座。keep your head slightly lowered and bow toward your neighbors on both the higher and lower sides as well as across the aisle.若已先坐上中下座来须合掌。If you have already been seated, when your neighbors come to their seats, you are obliged to join your palms together.古云:不敬上中下座。The Ancient Regulations has the following: Unless one greets with respect the practitioners of the higher and lower seats as well as those across the aisle,婆罗门聚会无殊。there is no difference between a Buddhist gathering and [a gathering] of brahmans.闻木鱼后长板鸣。After the sound of the wooden fish-shaped instrument, the metal gong in the kitchen hall is sounded to signal practitioners to take their almsbowls down.下钵抬身正起立定。Rise and stand straight for a moment,然后转身。then turn again,亦要顺上肩合掌方取钵。toward your upper shoulder (i.e., to the left), with both palms together, ready to take the bowl down.一手解钩左手提钵。First, with your right hand release it from the hook, then with your left hand support it,转身令正蹲身放钵。while turning around and bending down to place it on the floor.免将腰背撞人。In this way, you can avoid colliding with your neighbor with your back hip.堂前钟鸣下床为迎住持入堂,大众普同问讯。When the hall bell rings, everyone must descend to the floor to greet the abbot, who is entering the hall, and all bow in unison.不得以手左右摇曳。No one, however, should move their hands to the right or left.下床时须近前问讯。When descending to the floor, move close to the wooden board-edge and bow,莫令袈裟搭床缘。after descending, you must not let your kaṣāya robe hang over the board [while standing in front of it].仍须低细。上床不得顿身。After the greeting, all once again ascend the raised platform in a careful manner, not abruptly tossing your body onto it.取钵安座前,闻椎声想念偈云:Set the almsbowl on the board-edge, and upon hearing the sound of the mallet [striking the octagonal wooden post], you are obliged to intone the following verse from memory:佛生迦罗。The Buddha was born in Kapilavastu,成道摩竭陀。Enlightened in Magadha,说法波罗柰。First preached in Vārāṇaṣī,入灭拘罗。Entered nirvana at Kuśinagara.展钵之法先合掌想念偈云:As to the manner of “opening the bowl,” first recite, with palms joined together, the following verse mindfully:如来应量器,我今得敷展。Now I have opened the Tathāgata’s almsbowl that spontaneously measures the quantity of need.愿共一切众。I wish, along with all sentient beings,等三轮空寂。to realize the insight that the donor, the recipient, and the alms received are all of the nature of emptiness.然后解袱帕展净巾覆膝。Thereupon, untie the knot of the wrapping cloth [around the almsbowl] and take out the clean handkerchief to cover your lap and knees.帕摺转三角。The wrapping cloth must be folded into a triangular form,莫令出单外。so that it may be placed on the board-edge without hanging over.先展钵单。First, unfold the tray sheet (bodan),仰左手取钵安单上。pick up the bowl with your left hand, palm upward, and set it on the tray-sheet.以两手大拇指。Then using the thumbs of both hands,并取子。take out the [three] nested bowls (fenzi).从小次第展。Lay them out [from right to left], smaller to larger,不得敲磕作声。and do not make a clattering noise while handling them,仍护第四第五指为触指不得用。nor should your fourth and fifth fingers touch the bowls.钵拭摺令小。Fold the drying cloth of the bowl into a small size,并匙袋近身横放。and place it together with the sack holding the spoon and chopsticks, laying these horizontally nearest your place (literally, “to the body”).入则先匙出则先。When placing the utensils into the sack, you should put the spoon into the sack first [and then the chopsticks], but when removing them from the sack, take out the chopsticks first, [then the spoon].手把处为净头。The utensils are to be laid out horizontally, with the handle of the utensil regarded as clean向上肩。facing toward the upper (i.e., left) shoulder.钵刷安第二子缝中。The bowl-cleaning spatula (boshua) must be laid vertically to the side of the second bowl,出半寸许盛生饭。with its tip extending half an inch out from the tray sheet, so that alms [for the sake of the hungry ghosts] may be placed on it.不得以匙出生饭。Neither the spoon nor the chopsticks should be used for this offering,不过七粒。and it ought to be no more than seven grains of rice.太少为悭食。If [the offering] consists of less than this amount, it is regarded as showing greed for food.凡受食则用出生。Whenever food is received [in the almsbowl,] it is a general rule to make such an offering,或不受食。but when food has not been received,却不可就桶杓内撮饭出生。it is not permissible to make an offering directly from the serving ladle.维那念佛合掌。While the director of practitioners’ affairs intones the names of Buddhas, the practitioners hold both palms together,手指不得参差。with the fingers held evenly.须当胸高低得所。Join your palms together [and let your hands] lightly graze your chest;不得以手托口边。do not let your fingertips reach the mouth.古云:The following statement is found in the Ancient Regulations:参差合掌不当胸。There are those who hold both palms together but do not [rest] the hands on their chest.两手交加插鼻中。Both hands cross each other at the fingers, with the fingertips almost sticking into their nostrils.拖履揭帘无疑细。In dragging the sandals and lifting up the entrance screen, there is no refined cordiality whatsoever.呕声泄气逞英雄。Uttering sounds like [expelling water] and leaking breath, they look like [battlefield] heroes.两手捧钵受食想念偈云:When receiving food, you are obliged to hold the bowl with both hands and intone the following verse from memory:若受食时。When one receives almsfood,当愿众生。one must wish that禅悦为食。All may have the Chan experience of delight as their food,法喜充满。and be filled with the sense of rejoicing in the Dharma.或多或少则以右手起止之。In order to request more or less [food from the server], signal by keeping your right hand still or raising it slightly [to indicate that you have received enough].闻遍食椎看上下肩。When the octagonal wooden post is struck with the mallet [to signal the completion of the first serving], you must observe your neighbors [so as to be in tandem with them],以面相朝揖食。lift the [main bowl] straight up in front of your forehead, and make a slight bow.不得正面以手摇曳两边。Do not shake [the bowl] to the right or left.揖罢作五观想念云:After bowing, you must intone the “Verse of Fivefold Reflection” on almsfood:一计功多少量彼来处。First, reflect upon the many labors [made by other people in order for this food to be served to you] and for what reason [has this food been served to you].二忖己德行全缺应供。Second, reflect upon whether your virtue and practice have been perfected or are far from satisfactory, and [renew your resolution before] partaking of the almsfood.三防心离过贪等为宗。Third, reflect upon whether your mind is prevented [from evil thoughts] and freed from wrongdoing, because such [actions] are caused by desire, and so forth.四正事良药为疗形枯。Fourth, reflect upon whether you regard food as good medicine and use it properly to treat illness and prevent emaciation of the physical form and [to maintain] strength.五为成道业故应受此食。Fifth, reflect upon whether you are aware that it is for the sake of realizing the ultimate goal of the path that you receive this almsfood.次出生想念偈云:Next, you must produce some alms and intone the following verse from memory:汝等鬼神众。O host of hungry ghosts,我今施汝供。I now make an offering of food for you;此食遍十方。This food is offered widely in all ten directions,一切鬼神供。for all the hungry ghosts.吃食之法不得将口就食。As to the manner of eating, you must not bring your mouth to the bowl,不得将食就口。nor bring the bowl to the mouth.取钵放钵并匙不得有声。Whether taking up the bowl or putting it down, you must not make noise either with the spoon or chopsticks.不得咳嗽。不得搐鼻喷嚏。You should not cough or sneeze.若自喷嚏当以衣袖掩鼻。If this naturally occurs, you should cover your nose with your sleeve.不得抓头。You must not scratch your head,恐风屑落邻单钵中。because dandruff may fly and fall into the bowls of neighboring practitioners,不得以手挑牙。nor should you [put your finger in your] ear,不得嚼饭啜羹作声。nor make noise when chewing rice and drinking soup.不得钵中央挑饭。You should not collect rice in the center of the bowl,不得大搏食。nor should you take a large amount [of food] into the mouth [in one bite],不得张口待食。nor should you open your mouth in anticipation of the food,不得遗落饭食。nor should you let food drop from your mouth,不得手把散饭食。nor should you pick up and eat food with your fingers.如有菜滓安钵后屏处。If there remains any vegetable sediment, leave it below the edge of the bowl.不得以风扇邻位。Do not create [malodorous] wind which might affect neighboring seats.如自己怕风。If you are afraid of doing so,即白维那于堂外坐。you may take a seat in the outer hall after obtaining permission from the director of practitioners’ affairs.不得以手枕膝上。Do not rest your hands on your knees.随量受食。Request only as much food as you need.不得请折。Do not leave food after eating a part of it.不得将头钵盛湿食。Wet food (i.e., soup, side dishes, etc.) should not be placed in the primarybowl.不得将羹汁于头钵内淘饭吃。Do not eat by pouring soup into the primary bowl and sifting rice from it.不得挑菜头钵内和饭吃。Do not eat rice by mixing it with side dishes in the primary bowl.食时须看上下肩不得太缓。While eating, pay attention always to your neighbors on each side, so as notto be too far [ahead or] behind in the proceedings.未再请不得刷钵盂。You must not start cleaning the bowl with the spatula before the second serving has been completed,不得吮钵刷作声。nor should you make noise by sucking the tip of the spatula.食未至不得坐烦恼。Before the food is served, you should refrain from creating mental defilement.古云:The Ancient Regulations has enumerated these misbehaviors as follows:呆呆四顾起悲嗔。Foolishly looking around in all directions, becoming depressed or angry;念食吞津咳嗽频。Thinking of food, swallowing saliva and thus coughing frequently;粥啜羹包满口。Pouring rice gruel, slurping soup, and stuffing food into the mouth;开单展钵响诸邻。Opening the seat and spreading the bowl set, making noise everywhere toward all neighbors.洗钵以头钵盛水。As to the manner of washing the bowl, water is placed in the primary bowl次第洗子。and the smaller bowls are washed in due order in the [main] bowl,不得头钵内洗匙并子。but [do not wash] the spoon and chopsticks in it.仍屈第四第五指。[Wash the bowls using only the thumbs and first two fingers, keeping the fourth and fifth fingers extended;] after the bowl washing is done you may bend your fourth and fifth fingers.不得盥漱作声。Do not gargle, as it makes noise,不得吐水钵中。or spit water into the bowl.不得先以熟水洗钵。You must not wash the bowl while [the water] is boiling hot.未折钵水不得先收盖膝巾。Before the remaining water has been discarded, no one is allowed to remove the cloth used to cover the lap.不得以膝巾拭汗。Do not use this cloth to wipe sweat [from your face]不得以余水沥地上。The residue water must not be thrown onto the floor;折水想念偈云:[before it is discarded in the bucket], you must intone the following verse from memory:我此洗钵水。This water with which I have cleansed the bowls.如天甘露味。Tastes like ambrosia.施与鬼神众。I offer it to all the hungry ghosts,悉令得饱满。Wishing that they all be gratified by it.摩休罗细娑婆诃。Oṃ mahorase svāhā (an mo xiu luo xi suo po he).收钵以两手大指。As for the manner of placing the smaller bowls back into the primary bowl, use the thumbs of both hands to pick up each bowl in due order并定次第而入复毕。and place them [gently] one after another into [the main bowl].合掌想念食毕。偈云:After this has been completed, hold your palms together and recollect the verse that is recited at the end of each meal:饭食已讫色力充。Having finished the food, I feel the strength of my physical body,威震十方三世雄。Whose majesty shakes the heroes in all directions and in the three times.回因转果不在念。Neither abiding here nor remaining yonder, nor holding on to a moment of thought,一切众生获神通。I wish that all sentient beings acquire supernatural powers.寮前板鸣归寮。问讯。At the signal of the striking of the wooden sounding block in the practitioners’quarters, the practitioners return to their quarters and bow.不归位为轻侮大众。If someone does not return to his assigned position, it is regarded as being rude to the fellow practitioners.入门归位如僧堂之法。Entering the quarters as well as coming to your seat is performed exactly as is done in the practice hall.立定候寮主烧香毕。Remaining in position, wait for the moment when the master of the quarters finishes burning incense,门讯上下。then bow to your neighbors, both higher and lower in rank.



